Gift of The Scriptures
A couple years back I wrote a letter to my children from the Elf on the Shelf, gifting them a set of scriptures! It has been one of the most memorable gifts they have received from our elf George. This letter helped them to remember and focus on the real reason for the season. So every morning when we gather for Scripture study they remember that George wanted them to remember the greatest gift of all, the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ. And that by reading the scriptures daily they will have his love in their lives every day! It is the perfect farewell gift to give. No matter your faith giving the gift of scriptures whether it be the Book of Mormon or The Bible is a gift they will remember and cherish. I have included the letter that I wrote all those years ago to my children please feel free to print it and give your children the greatest gift.
For more Christmas fun check out the Christmas Advent on Chicken Scratch N’ Stuff!