My Very Personal Journey to Fit!

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I thought it might be a good idea to share with you lovely readers my story and my very personal journey to fit! … I have shared it on other blogs but I realize my FULL transformation story has NEVER been told on Maybe I Will! A true tragedy! To know me fully you really need to understand where I have come from and what got me to where I am today.

Almost two years ago I woke up and looked into the mirror and realized I didn’t like what I saw. I was tired, and heavier than I had ever been. Something went off in me. And I started a journey to a fit and healthier lifestyle. Now 40 lbs lighter, I have never felt more alive! For me I needed to hit “rock bottom” to understand that fitness and healthy eating wasn’t just a “fad” or a “trend”… it HAD to become a way of life for me! Can you relate? Sometimes that moment when we look in the mirror and realize that we are NOT happy and that something does need to change is such a BIG moment to get to! And once you’re there it is a great place to start and choose to start making daily choices that will help lead you to happiness and health. You don’t have to hit rock bottom to make a change! You just need to want to be healthier and to make the changes necessary to do so!

If you set out to lose weight and do so by diet and exercise, you will do it! But then what?!? You have to commit and make fitness a part of who YOU are! I started with just walking, then I added weights, then running, then more extreme classes. My point is start somewhere! Start small! Even is you start by walking to end of the street and back, then the next day go a little further! It’s all about moving! Find something you love and it won’t be a chore or a bore! The biggest thing is to get MOVING!

One of my greatest joys in life is helping people meet their health and fitness goals – I’ve been there! I know how hard it is to feel “stuck” and “out of control” – I  love to help people realize they can do this! They can be better, they can say NO to average and reach their goals to be the best THEM possible!!! It is pretty much the coolest  part of blogging for me! I get to connect with people from all over the world and share with them my workouts, healthy recipes and tips on being a healthier and happier you!

I still struggle and I still have days where I eat my feelings. But instead of letting it be a slippery slope back to bad habits. I shrug it off and forgive myself! I am human! Sometimes I need some ice cream to help cope! But I don’t let those moments define me anymore or have POWER over me!

[Tweet “I still struggle and I still have days where I eat my feelings. But instead of letting it be a slippery slope back to bad habits. I shrug it off and forgive myself! I am human! Sometimes I need some ice cream to help cope! But I don’t let those moments define me anymore or have POWER over me! -@andiethues great read on living a healthier lifestyle”]

The biggest thing I have learned and continue to learn is that there is no destination to being “fit and healthy” there really is no point where you can get off the train and decide – Yep I’m all done I can stop working out and eat whatever I want because heck I made it! — Sounds silly saying it out loud, uh? But really to live a fit, healthy and positive life you need to realize that exercise will always need to be part of your routine! Don’t feel like you need to turn into a gym rat and live there. Be smart and find ways to move and be active at your level whatever that may be. Learn to eat more veggies and lean proteins; say no to sugar and junk food more. Your body will thank you! It really doesn’t like all that junk we feed it! In turn it will be more energetic and vitalized because it is getting awesome nutritious food! Moderation is KEY!

So no matter where you are on your journey to fit – have courage and know you CAN do this! I was once you! I struggled to move and I had no clue what “healthy eating” actually meant. But I have learned so much and I am so thankful everyday that I created Maybe I Will to share what I have learned along this crazy journey to being fit! Please let me know if you have questions or issues that I can help with! Some of my best posts are inspired by reader’s questions! So ask away and I’ll do my best to help! Love you all!


  1. GiGi Eats says:

    YOU ARE SO MOTIVATING AND YOU LOOK friggin’ phenomenal!!!!!

    AND YOUR MINDSET IS 100000% correct, this is a LIFESTYLE – it never ever ends!

    1. Thanks GiGi! Mindset is sooo important! It’s that small mental shift that has made all the difference!

  2. Julia @ Lord Still Loves Me says:

    You look amazing! So glad you are further into your health. <3

  3. Hi!! you look terrific. would die for a body like this. maybe should could share your stats and also some of the exercises we can do at home for weight loss.

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