Really… Frozen Meals?


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I remember being a kid and every so often as a special treat my Mom would allow us to pick out a frozen meal for dinner at the grocery store. 

The idea of a complete meal I could just toss into a microwave and eat 5-6 minutes later was about the coolest concept ever in my young and impressionable mind. 

As I moved out and had to cook on my own, I relied on frozen meals a lot. It was either that or eat out and frozen meals were definitely cheaper. 

But over the years my palate matured and my cooking skills became pretty dang good. 

Heck – I even create and share recipes… for a living! 

So frozen meals were something that for me had gone the way of Sam Goody and Blockbuster stores. 

That is until recently.

Now that my kids have gotten older and I find myself in what I affectionately call the “middle” where I am no longer chasing kids around and arranging play dates. 

My days now consist of working while the kids are at school and then once they bound through the doors I become an unpaid uber driver, and personal tutor. Throw in doctors’ appointments, emotional break downs and handling the fall out from mean kids and my days get can get crazy busy. 

I have now come to love frozen meals again. Every Mom no matter where you rate on the love of cooking scale needs some good fall back meals to have on hand when the idea of making dinner sounds as enticing as a bikini wax.

I do have to say that frozen meals have come a LONG way. 

I am going to share with you some of my favorite frozen meal finds! 

These are the ones that you are gonna want to keep stocked in that freezer of yours, and of course, they are healthier! So not only am I not having to make dinner, I am able to feed my hubby and kiddos a healthier option!


My Top List of Frozen Food Faves: 

  • Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers Grilled Marinara with Parmesan – this is one of my favorite lunches to toss in the microwave when I am powering through working on awesome content for y’all. If you are watching your carb intake just eat around the Pasta. 
  • Udi’s Sweet Potato Crust Chicken BBQ Pizza  Pizza, need I say more? My kids love pizza and I can feel good about sneaking some veggies in there. And if you are a gluten-free family this is a great option. 
  • Birds Eye Veggie Made Garlic Chicken  – The pasta in this one is also veggie made so yet another great way to have dinner made in a hurry and sneak in the veggies. Seeing a trend here 😉 – Yep, this Mama is all about frozen meals that sneak in some veggies for these kids of mine.

Well, there you have it friends my list of “go-to” frozen meals that will have your back on the days and nights of crazy! 

Because we all have them. And if you don’t, tell me your magical ways!


  1. As a mom of three, frozen meals can definitely come in handy! Thank you for sharing!

  2. It was a special thing for me growing up also to pick out a special frozen meal. We didn’t eat them often but they were lifesavers when my mom was too busy to feed us 6 kids!

  3. Beth Pierce says:

    Love frozen meals for busy weeknights! I will have to give some of these a try!

  4. Laura Reese says:

    This is so helpful! We all need some easy meal options.

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