How To Remove Odors From Workout Clothes

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How To Remove Odors From Workout Clothes – These tips will help you get RID of that funky “gym smell” you know the one…

Let me ask you a “rhetorical” question…

Have you ever been at the gym getting ready to work out and you’re in your “clean” workout clothes, but yet you keep getting a whiff of something that smells? You discreetly sniff your pits…nope not that. And then you quietly sniff around you to see which sweaty gym rat could be producing “the smell” then you quietly come to the realization that “the smell” is coming from you… What the heck – you’re detergent has failed you. #epicfail

Has this has ever happened to you?? Yeah, yeah me neither ;)… But if I am being an honest and truthful, this has sometimes been an issue for me! {head hung in shame}

Why is it that detergents can NOT seem to fully remove sweaty smells?! – for REALS! It will smell just fine coming out of the wash, but a few minutes in at the gym and a funky smell starts to emerge…

I know, I know I am a hot mess after I workout and I could shower in my own sweat there is SO much of it…


I’m pretty sure I look way more like Gollum after a workout than a normal functioning human being – so I realize that I do stink AFTER a workout. But to stink before I even start?? Come on, what’s a gal to do!? And I’m sure you guys out there can relate as well!

So I took this problem on as a personal mission!

And I am happy to report that I did some research for us all and I am excited to report my findings on how to remove odors from your workout clothes! I am excited to share this important and vital information with you all.

After hours of research on this vital “smelly” topic – I realized for SURE that we are not alone on our mission to rid our clothes of “the gym smell” – {my polite new term for the stank! 😉 } And that there should be no shame or judgment on this issue.

So here is what I found out on my search…

  • Never leave clothes stuffed in a gym bag, or immediately toss them into a hamper. Make sure give them a good air out and dry sesh… This will help neutralize odors. If its nice outside air them out in the sun! The sun will actually help deodorize as well.
  • Wash your workout clothes inside out! When I read this one, it was like a light bulb went off because…uh…that’s where all the real sweat hangs out. Duh!
  • Do not use fabric softener on activewear! It actually has the adverse desired effect and will coat your clothes in a thin layer of chemicals. This can prevent detergent from reaching dirt in technical fabrics { like those expensive lulus}. It can also ruin absorbability and moisture wicking properties in activewear! So just don’t use it! No good will come of it.
  • Don’t overstuff your wash! I see you over there filling that thing to its breaking point – just don’t do it! It’s better to do two small loads on this one,  I promise!
  • Always use the sniff test before throwing your clothes into the dryer. You do not want to bake in the “gym smell”. I personally like to air dry all my work out clothes. After a couple of the above adjustments and one HUGE find I’m about to mention – my “gym smell” issue, I am happy to report has been solved.

  • Try all® Odor Lifter or all® mighty pacs® 4-in-1! They are both tough on stains and those nasty stubborn gym odors! They are both scientifically formulated with enzymes for a great clean, removing even the toughest odors! 

Truth be told, I was a bit skeptical, I have used another top detergent for years and I was pleasantly surprised by a lack of “gym smell” after my first load using it! I also used it on my sheets and was super impressed! Bottom line I am the newest all® Odor Lifter convert! The stuff works like a champ + add in a couple of those other helpful aforementioned tips and you, like myself, can kiss that “gym smell” goodbye!

The all ® mighty pacs® 4-in-1 is the perfect option when you’re in a rush! The pacs provide four levels of clean in one easy pac; it tackles odors, fights tough stains, whitens and brightens! #winning – because well have those days where we need laundry done QUICK! 

I am proud to say that thanks to all® and the tips I have outlined here to benefit us, sweaty peeps, the “gym smell” has been eliminated and I no longer have to worry about the stank rearing its smelly head in the middle of a workout. No longer must I cover myself in body spray to hopefully mask the odor.

Hopefully, these tips and a little all® odor lifter will come to your sweaty aide as well.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of all®. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. Johnny McCarron says:

    Trust me, you aren’t the only one here that smells straight up fierce following a workout. I always smell funky, and my clothes are often innocent bystanders in the stink attack. Do you have any other tips about buying good clothes to work out in?

  2. That’s interesting that fabric softener can coat clothes. You don’t want to trap those funky smells. Me and my wife want to get into a health kick, so we’ll have to keep this in mind.

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