10 Minute Mom Makeover That Will Transform Your Afternoons

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Before I had kids, I had visions of us doing homework together; it would be this magical bonding moment where we were able to spend some quality time together, and I would be able to share my love of learning. The perfection vision of motherhood, we all envision. 

As a mom to three adorable, awesome kiddos – homework time is complete chaos…

And after working on various projects all day long, while my kids are at school. I should be excited and happy to see them as they bounce through the door backpacks and shoes flying in every direction in a whirlwind of excitement. And yes, I am, but after wielding my mind muscles all day long, the thought of sitting down and helping three kids with homework, reading, and then preparing dinner, then trying to talk my kids into eating the dinner, then cleaning up after dinner.

Then a whole new round starts up with the bedtime routine, which desires its own exhaustive list of “to-dos”.

Just typing out the list of my afternoon/nightly routine is exhausting me.

I love my kids with every inch of my being – I am pretty sure I have that part of parenting DOWN!

It’s the afternoon and evenings that have me feeling like I should just give up and give into an “unlimited screen time” scenario.

An argument for the merits of Minecraft could be made, right?!

There has GOT to be a better way!

So, here’s the deal, I want my kids to remember coming home to a fun and loving mom who was patient and enjoyed helping them with their homework. I want them to remember the feeling of being made a priority in my life.

Do I expect frustration tears and mutiny? Of course. I have no delusions of perfection, just connection! Connection is the real name of the game. So, when those kids walk through the door, I need to be refreshed and energized ready to take on the tears, homework, and inability to sit still and look at a word to read it. You know the usual mom filled afternoon. In the past, I relied on a swig of good ole’ soda to get me through the evening – But I want to be around to help my kids out when they are feeling like a failure with their own kids. So, I decided a long time ago, that soda could no longer be a part of my routine.

So, I am going to share with you my mom afternoon makeover, because who doesn’t love a good makeover. I am still holding out hope for Clinton Kelly and Stacy London to show up at my house with a $5,000 Visa card… But I digress.

My kids arrive home at approximately 3:15, first my teenager, Morgan and then shortly after that my two littler ones bound through the door around 3:30ish So, my mom makeover routine starts at 3:00.

Step 1: All “work” halts so any project I am working on is scheduled to be wrapped up and done by 3 – or at least at a good stopping point.

Step 2: I whip out my phone and do a guided “energy or focus” meditation on helping recharge and reset my batteries – I love the app CALM it is a treasure trove of awesome guided meditation – because again, focus issues. The gentle guidance helps!

Step 3: Swig a glass of Emergen-C® Energy+ and savor the last few moments of quiet before my adorable kiddos come home.

Now that I have taken a few moments for me I am ready to make the most of this time with my kids in the afternoon. Because as I am reminded of by every sweet little old lady at the grocery store these years go by way too quick. And if you have never heard of Emergen-C® Energy+ you’re missing out! I have long been a fan of Emergen-C® for a great boost of Vitamin C and I love their Emergen-Zzzz product! So, when I saw that they had a product that was aimed at supporting energy and focus with NATURAL caffeine from Green Tea I grabbed a couple of boxes at Target and was super stoked, so head to Target to Try it for yourself! I knew this would be just the thing to help me power through an afternoon of 4th-grade math and Intermediate Algebra. Trust me FOCUS is required!

So, with my new mom makeover plan in place, our afterschool homework efforts are still not quite my “dream” scene, but they are moving beyond chaos to REAL quality time. And I am learning to treasure every day. My perfectly imperfect afternoons are the moments my kids will remember the most. And now with my new improved routine, I will be the calm and loving mom I want to be! 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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