7 Tips For Creating The Best Morning Routine
Creating the perfect morning routine helps you to make the most of your day! Energizing and setting the tone for one of accomplishment and success.
Let’s pause a moment to celebrate the start of the school year! If you feel moved, do a happy dance or simply take a deep breath and enjoy this moment! As a parent like many of you, I feel like back to school is a “restart” button, almost like a 2nd New Years Day. A chance to embrace getting back on track and refocused on my personal goals. After a summer of living footloose and fancy-free, I was craving the routine of the school year! Can you relate? After a month or so of getting back on track, I am loving my home alone and kid-free time!
So with that, I am super excited to share with you 7 Tips for making the most of your “school” days! These tips will help you refocus and get back on track after the hectic summer!
1. Wake UP Early – Getting up before my kids do is magical! I go to the gym, come home and have some precious quiet time before the chaos of getting kids out the door commences. This time helps me to breathe and feel gratitude! Take time to pray and read scriptures adding time to connect with God will add more power and light into your day helping you to become the Mother and Woman God knows you to be.
Sometimes my kids will play with my phone and the volume somehow gets turned down so I don’t hear my alarm. I end up sleeping in and instead of waking to calm and quiet, I am awoken by my kids and the craziness of morning. Ahhhh!!! Inevitably my whole day is followed by the chaos that I awoke to.
Try waking up before your kids and you’ll start to crave those quiet early-morning moments. And if waking up early is a struggle I highly recommend reading Mel Robbins book The 5-Second Rule! It is the reason I can get my bootie out of bed so dang early.
2. Workout First Thing – As I mentioned before, I wake up and go to the gym first thing. I like to workout first thing because I KNOW I will do it! What else do I have to do at 5:30 in the morning? LOL! I get moving before my body knows what’s going on! After a couple minutes of a tired haze I am awake and into my workout! After my workout, I am relaxed and energized and ready to tackle my day! My brain is on fire and ideas are flowing!
{Remember that pre-workout fuel is a necessity for early morning workouts!}
3. Get Ready for The Day – After my kids are safely out the door I shower and get ready. The act of getting ready helps me to feel like I have accomplished another big task. By 9 am I have worked out and showered and I am ready to tackle the world! Plus throwing on a little makeup and real clothes make me feel like an attractive person and someone who appears to actually have it together.
4. Journal for 5 minutes – Dust of your journal and take 5 minutes to write. When I journal, I always think of 3 things I am grateful for. They can be big or small, but taking the time to feel REAL gratitude helps start my day off right! Then I will make a list of 3 things that HAVE to get done that day. It can be errands, a business building idea, or a friend I feel I need to call. Whatever I feel like I need to do that day. This helps steer the ship of my day and makes it very focused!
5. Read 10 Pages of an Empowering Book! We are what we read. Just think about how much your mind would grow and learn if you read ten pages of a book designed to grow your knowledge. Ten pages is not overwhelming and totally doable! If you hate reading, try listening to an empowering book on Audible while you tackle your daily chores. This time you set aside for yourself is worth the investment and will help fuel your desire to be more productive and happy!
6. Meditation and Affirmations – This might seem like hippy-dippy bologna, but let me share my personal experience. For years I struggled with the way I talked to myself. I was MEAN, critical and a total bully. As a result of being so mean and critical of myself, I didn’t like myself and definitely did not feel worthy of others love. I had to break the cycle! So I started meditating and using that time to affirm to myself the things I liked about myself and the feelings I wanted to feel about myself. After a while of really taking this time daily to stop and focus on building myself up, a shift began and I started to feel more confident and better about myself! The way we talk to ourselves is so important! Take time daily to focus on you and why you’re amazing! Because guess what…you are! “I am” are two very powerful words and whatever you put behind them will determine who you are and how you feel about yourself.
7. Rely on reinforcements- Sometimes as busy moms, we need a boost in our day! A little pick me up to help us power through that afternoon slump. About 1-2pm I hit this wall and I need a pick me up! I used to rely on Diet Coke but as I am focusing on my health I’ve had to say goodbye to that old friend! But I recently discovered Perk Energy (use code ANDIE for an extra 15% off). It is the most delicious naturally caffeinated Chai flavored drink. I love sipping my cup in the afternoons so I feel re-energized and ready to tackle the rest of my day!
I hope you found my seven tips helpful! I know they will help you conquer and make the most of each day! What are your tips and tricks for being happier and more productive? I’d love to hear from you!
These are such great tips. I want to incorporate the journaling one this week.
I can’t wait to try these tips. I’m going to get my daughter in on this too! Definitely going to help a lot!