All I Want For Christmas is Abs!

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This post is brought to you by Slendertone Abs7. Opinions expressed are 100% my own.

My husband, Kelly was asking me the other day what I wanted for Christmas, and I could not think of a single thing! I have been so blessed. I already got what I REALLY wanted for Christmas in our new house and everyone living under the same roof again! Anything else is just extra goodness.

But if there was one thing I REALLY wanted (aside from the aforementioned gift)  it would have to be well defined abs. Put a bow on that and give it to me this Christmas. I work out daily, eat well and the abs only develop sooo much…I wish there was a way to train my abs more frequently and with greater intensity. We all know that sit ups and crunches only do so much.

Slendertone Close Up

Enter Slendertone Abs7. ! I got this little gem in the mail a couple weeks back and with all the craziness of moving and relocating states working at a gym has been a little rough. So it was really nice to wear my Slendertone Abs 7 and keep training my abs without having to hit the gym!

I was of course pretty skeptic when I first wore my Slendertone but my abs will tell you that this thing DID werk them over! The next day after my first “session” my abs were so sore! I have only been using the Slendertone for  a couple weeks and I can honestly say that I can feel the muscles being worked. I am excited to keep using it!

The Slendertone Abs7 Unisex Toning Belt is touted as the most advanced abs toning belt for men & women providing stronger and more defined abs from just 6 weeks. They recommend using the belt 5 times a week for 6 weeks to achieve firmer and more toned abs. Previously Called “Premium Abs”  – There are over 150 programs to choose from to as you map out a personalized schedule for you and what your goals are! There are also a couple uniform was to use to start with if the whole process seems a little overwhelming.

Slendertone Dial

Here is a little promo video that Slendertone but together so you can see exactly how and why Slendertone works!

I pretty stoked that I am that much closer to abs for Christmas! Kelly surprised me with a trip to Cabo (Eekk I’m so excite!!!)! We take off on Jan 2nd and my abs are going to look pretty dang awesome with a little help from clean eating and Slendertone 😉

Andie wearing Slendertone

The belt is really user friendly and easy to wear while getting shiz done. My favorite way to wear it 😉 I usually wear mine in the evenings when I’m cooking dinner!

Slendertone Ab Toning

So what are you waiting for!!! Order Abs for Christmas – well technically you won’t get them for Christmas – there is a process but you will be well on your way! 😉 Just remember although this is a rock star tool- it is not a quick fix or a magic bullet! You still need to do your part and eat healthy and workout as you normally do! This is just a way to amplify your efforts and see results faster!

For more information on Slendertone check them out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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