Apple Cake


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Have you ever had a dessert emergency? Sometimes you just gotta have something sweet! And then you go foraging through the pantry checking to make sure you have all the ingredients for the desired recipe. Then you get frustrated because crap you’re out of this or that! It stinks and maybe I’m the only one without a constantly stocked pantry… Do any of you feel my pain!??!? On one such occasion I was craving a apple cinnamon cake of some sort. And sure enough my kids had polished off the entire bag of apples I had just purchased. So I being the determined type thought I would try using my food storage dehydrated apples. I was desperate! But lucky for you my little experiment was a HUGE success! The cake turned out amazing and I actually prefer it! And it’s a great way to rotate my apples. (I also love them in my oatmeal) but I digress 🙂 You gotta give this cake a try! It is super easy to make and has ingredients that are typically always on hand! Love those type of recipes!


This easy pantry friendly Apple Cake will ROCK your world!

Apple Cake
Recipe via Carly Thueson

2 Cups Flour
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 Cups Sugar

Mix all dry ingredients

3/4 Canola Oil
1 tsp Vanilla
2 eggs

Mix in Wet Ingredients – then fold in apples

4 Cups Dehydrated Apples — rehydrate with 2 cups boiling water.
Place dried apples in glass bowl pour boiling water over apples then cover and let sit for 10 minutes.

Spread into a greased and floured 13×9 baking pan Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes

Then Top with this awesome Butter Sauce — it’s amazeballs!!!!!

Butter Sauce
Recipe via Marci Bigler

1/2 Cup Butter
2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Evaporated Milk
3 Tsp

Heat over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add 3 teaspoons vanilla and a dash of nutmeg.

Give it a try and let me know what ya thinks!!!

Apple Cake #1

Dehydrated apples are so awesome to have on hand! And are great for this dessert or I like to throw them in my oatmeal!

Apple Cake #2

Mix dry ingredients

Apple CAke #3

Then add all those delightful wet ingredients

Apple Cake #4

Try to resist temptation and eat this mixture straight up!


  1. Amber Koogler says:

    Sounds so yummy! And such a great idea with the dehydrated apples! I make them, but don&#39;t really know how to use them in cooking!<br />Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award!<br />

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks so much Amber!!! I am super flattered! I&#39;ll be working on my Liebster Post!! <br />

  2. Stephanie S. says:

    This look delicious! I found you on the artsy blog hop 🙂 What a wonderful post.<br /><br />Stephanie

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks for stopping by!!!

  3. Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise says:

    Are you kidding me???? Super YUMMY. Love that it includes dehydrated apples.

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks Larissa!!!

  4. Marcie Peterson says:

    This looks so good. The picture looks like it came right out of a cooking magazine. Nice!<br />Pinning!<br />Marcie @ I Gotta Try That

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks Marcie!!! I&#39;m learning a few tricks to bring up my game 😉

  5. Ashley at flats to flip flops says:

    Yummy! Pinning this lady:)<br />Ashley

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks Ashley!!!!

  6. Shatzi @ Love and Laundry says:

    Yum!!! I actually think I have some dehydrated apples in a can just like that somewhere. This looks really tempting. PINNED!

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      This is a great way to use them 😉

  7. Emily {Bits of Everything} says:

    Oh my! That looks amazing! I&#39;ve never made anything with dehydrated apples before! Thanks for sharing your success! 🙂 Pinned!

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks Emily!!!! Let me know if your try it!

  8. Yum! This reminds me of what used to be a fav dessert from Applebees- that sauce looks wonderful! Pinning 🙂

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      If it is the dessert I&#39;m thinking about… It tastes like it too!!!

  9. Rachel {RandR Workshop} says:

    This looks amazing! I pinned as well 🙂

    1. Andie Thueson says:

      Thanks Rachel!!!

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