Cherry Garcias Protein Shake


Shake It Up Saturday

I am currently sitting in an airport writing this post on my way to see my man! I’m sooo excited to see him after six weeks! I’ll be hanging out in Cali for a few days just enjoying a little alone time with one of my favorite peeps in the world! As a homage to this awesome man of mine I made a protein shake based on his favorite flavor of Ice Cream Cherry Garcias from the genius that is Ben and Jerry! So as I was testing out this week’s shake my thoughts were on all the fun I’ll have with my hubs this weekend! This one is a keeper! Soooo flippn’ good just like my guy 😉 
Cherry Garcias Protein Shake 
Andie Thueson
1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder 
1 Cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk 
1 Cup Dark Pitted Cherries 
1 TBS Almond Butter 
1/2 tsp Cherry Extract 
1 tsp Sugar Free Powdered Vanilla Coffee Creamer
8-10 Ice Cubes — Blend and Enjoy! 
Nutritional Stats 
Calories 354 | Fat 12.7g | Fiber 6.5g | Protein 37.2g 

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