Raspberry Cheesecake Protein Shake
Shake It Up Saturday!!

This week my first born turns 10! Can you believe it!?! How am I old enough to have a kid in the double digits! It’s just sad! I keep telling my kids they have to stop growing up! But they never listen! That I’m sure you’re use to 😉 But with this big mile stone approaching and my feelings of being old… I really wanted to drown my sorrows in a cheesecake. But instead I used that energy to create a Raspberry Cheesecake Protein Shake that is AMAZING! I keep telling myself if I continue to be fit and active and eat healthy at least I won’t look old…. Right?!??
Here’s to the Birthday Girl!
Raspberry Cheesecake Protein Shake
Andie Thueson
1 Cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Cup Fresh or Fresh Frozen Raspberries
1 oz Greek Cream Cheese
1 half sheet of reduced fat graham cracker
1/2 tsp raspberry extract
1-2 TBS Stevia to taste
8-10 Ice Cubes — less if you’re using frozen strawberries
Blend and Enjoy!
Nutritional Stats:
Calories 324 | Fat 9.8g | Protein 34g | Fiber 9.2g