The Energy of 2019

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The energy of 2019 is all about…Are you ready for this?….FUN!!!! It’s a number three year in numerology. It’s about fun, socializing, networking, creativity, enjoyment, abundance and speaking our truth. Wow sounds like a year-long party right!? Although this does seem like a wonderful theme there are always challenges and gifts with the energy of each year.

It’s also the year of the pig on the Chinese astrology chart. Since the pig is the very last animal on the zodiac wheel 2019 is about closing chapters in our lives. Really think about your life this year and what you’d like to move on from. Maybe it’s finally letting go of habits that are affecting your health, that relationship that doesn’t honor you or old beliefs about yourself you want to shed. Regardless of what it is you want to release, now is the time to do it to prepare for next year which is all about new beginnings. It’s a wonderful year to “clean out the closet” both physically and energetically. Observe all year long asking yourself this question…”Ok, what do I want to release now?” Once you’re done with that keep going the whole year long. You will get to the end of the year and feel so much lighter from purging all the heaviness from the baggage you’ve been carrying for years.

This year is a great time for social gatherings and networking in business. So get out there and enjoy on a social level. Push yourself to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people. It’s also a great time to really explore and express your creativity. Is there something you’ve wanted to make more time for such as painting, singing or baking? Whatever creative gifts you have within you this year is the time to bring them forward to shine! If you’re thinking, “I’m not creative.” That is simply not true. We are ALL creative beings! So really think about what you are drawn to and take steps to start to learn, express, cultivate or practice it. Do you like baking, gardening, photography, music, sports, design, writing, speaking? Bring that creativity to the world!

Some things to keep in check this year is over consuming and inactivity. Make sure you don’t go too overboard with anything and try to keep that balance. Remember this in all areas such as spending too much money, eating and drinking too much or even working too much. It’s all about that balance in 2019. When making business, investments or money decisions slow down and look at all angles instead of jumping in too quick. Obviously, something you should always do but be extra mindful to do your due diligence this year.

Also a great year full of family energy. If you’ve been wanting to start a family, add to it with a new baby or spend more time focusing on your current one now’s the time. You are the ultimate creator of your life so whatever you decide to make it a fabulous year because you deserve it!


Follow Jen on Instagram @jensuliafu


  1. Thanks so much for the tips! These are really great points!

  2. Mallory Lanz says:

    I’m looking forward to so many things in 2019. A new baby, more growth on my blog and a fun family vacation!

  3. this is such a great way to lead into the new year!

  4. Nellie Tracy says:

    Such fun tips for the new year! Thanks!

  5. I love the idea of “cleaning out the closet” 🙂 Thank you for the great tips and food for thought!

  6. Becky Hardin says:

    Thanks for the tips. I am hoping for lots of good energy in 2019

  7. Thank you so much for the uplifting and positive thoughts. I definitely need to clean out closets and let go of things that we aren’t using any more.

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