The Power of Today

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Use the power of today – to make this year YOUR year!!! This simple technique can really make the difference in whether or not your goals stick.

Use the power of today - to make this year YOUR year!!! This simple technique can really make the difference in whether or not your goals stick.

New Years Resolutions.

Those bright and shiny goals we write out for ourselves at the beginning of the year, filled with optimism and hope.

We hope that this New Year staring us in the face will be different somehow, somehow this new year will be the year that we finally get things together. We will lose those extra pounds, we will finally work up the courage to start that business we have been thinking about, or that we will finally get ahead financially. We hold on to the hope that things will finally fall into place and we will reach and become who we have been wanting to become.

I am a firm believer of goals.

If you don’t have ANY goals you will find yourself sleepwalking through life.

But how do we make goals stick, long past Jan. 1st?

That is the question humans have been struggling with since the beginning of time.

STOP waiting for a start date!

STOP assigning your goals to a date.

Whether it is January 1st or December 14th – choose to make your goals a priority.

Choose to start EACH day with a plan.

I stopped making resolutions a while ago, and I hope you will abandon them as well.

There is a power in TODAY, not tomorrow, or two weeks from now, but today.

I talk a lot about the power of waking up early and taking time to meditate, workout, read and journal. It helps me to start my day with the right energy. For me, it was a COMPLETE game changer and the reason I feel like my life is where it is at today.

At first, waking up at 5 was intense and hard, crazy hard. I am not naturally a woman that likes to spring out of bed and get going with her day. People who know me probably don’t believe that, but it’s true! But it started with just one day. I simply decided and did it one day, then two, then a week, then a couple weeks, then a month, then a couple months and slowly, ever so slowly, it became a part of who I am. Now I DO spring out of bed, ready to get going.

I think that’s how goals should really work. Especially the ones that require REAL lasting change.

Start your day with INTENT – write down the thing you want to tackle that day. If you get distracted, circle back and focus on that one thing you are trying to accomplish that day.

Remember back in college or high school when you had a big paper to write? You would put it off and keep putting it off until the last possible minute. But even though you procrastinated and had to stay up late you still got it done because it needed to be done.

Use that same power and commitment to get things done – but focus it on TODAY! 

For my free daily get shiz done printable — click HERE!

Today is really all you are promised so make today count!

Start your day with a powerful mantra! These  are some of my favorites!

Today I Will Be Present
Today I Will Give Joyfully  
Today I Will Love Myself
Today I Will Treat My Body with Love and Respect 
Today I Will Love
Today I Will Live Abundantly
Today I Will Be Patient With Myself
Today I Am Enough
Today I Will Live Joyfully
Today I am Strong
Today I am Beautiful
Say these while looking at yourself in the mirror for even more impact.

Choose to push yourself and try a bit harder every day! You will not magically be more perfect and have more willpower on Jan 1st, but you can have a bit more willpower today and then a bit more tomorrow and little by little you become stronger, healthier, and wiser.

I used to HATE pushups with a passion – but I used the same principle of “Today”. I started with today I will do one, then tomorrow more, to the point where I love pushups and they have become one of my favorite exercises.

Have patience in the process and trust yourself.

You are more capable then you think!

You’ve got this! TODAY is your DAY! 


  1. I LOVE the I will be present. Going to add that to my list now.

  2. Natasha Kravchuk says:

    So motivated now to get my goals set for next year. I love a good list – it absolutely helps me to stay on track. Thank you for the motivation!

  3. Erin | Dinners,Dishes and Dessert says:

    Such a great motivation! I’m so excited for 2019!

  4. Taylor W. says:

    Love these tips! So motivating for 2019!

  5. Thank you for this post, you have inspired me to write down some goals for 2019!

  6. Bethany @ Happily Loco says:

    I love this! I think I tend to make lofty goals and bite off more than I can chew. But maybe working on one small change at a time, is the way I will approach my “resolutions” this year.

  7. Beata Lambach says:

    I love it .thank you
    A lot of justvdo it one day at the time

  8. I love this, so motivational, really gets you thinking about how to start the year on the right foot. Thank you!

  9. This is so helpful and motivational! I can’t wait to show my kids! Thank you!

  10. This is such a great reminder that every say is a brand new start and to make goals. I’m a list maker so I love this!

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