30 Day Fitness Challenge

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30 Day Fitness Challenge

Hey there friends, can you believe it is already February! Did you survive January? How are your goals for 2017 coming? Do you need a reboot? 

If the answer is yes, Don’t be discouraged. Guess what you are HUMAN, and that is totally normal!! Sometimes we just need to step back, forgive, forget, learn and move on! 

If you can take a step back, take inventory and learn from where you faltered then you are indeed still making progress. See you’re doing better than you thought! 😉 

Sometimes when I hit a wall, and need to refocus… a 30-day challenge fitness challenge is exactly what I need. 

30 days is not overwhelming 

30 days is entirely doable 

In 30 days you can make a change

So here’s to a new month and a hitting the renew and refresh button, letting go of any shame or feelings of failure. They will not help you reach your goals at all! 

Take a deep breath and let’s do this!!! And remember technically this is February a non-leap year, so the challenge is actually only 28 DAYS!!!


30 Day Fitness Challenge


How The 30 Day Challenge Works 

Each Day I have assigned a workout. Each date is hyperlinked to a workout that is on my blog!! What that means is that you just click on the date and it will take you directly to the workout of the day! {Easy Button} Woot! Woot!!

I really want you to succeed and see progress in the next 30 days, so I wanted to make the process as easy as possible.

30 Day Fitness Challenge

To access the clickable 30-day fitness challenge calendar {in this case 28:-P  } just click on the image above and download the PDF file.

Most of the workouts should be self-explanatory. For the strength training days, you will be given access to a video library of movements…

For Back and Biceps Days – Choose 3 of back exercises and 3 Bicep exercises and complete 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Repeat the same for Chest + Triceps, and Abs and Shoulder days, – on Leg Days – complete 5-6 exercises – with 3 sets of 10-12 reps – Ensure that you are resting 60-90 seconds between each set of repetitions.

The video library is a resource for you to use and give you some ideas and a framework for your strength training days.

Ladies – please ensure that your weights are heavier than your purse!! Do not be afraid of going heavy! Going heavy will help you to build muscle, helping you to get leaner – which means more muscle tone, less flab, and increased metabolism. — I promise ALL good things! You will NOT end up looking like Starla from Napolean Dynamite… LOL


Image Source: Wikipedia

For more Challenge Ideas and Workouts Check out these Posts:

I want to hear from you!! Let me know how you are doing on this month’s 30 Day challenge! Tag me on social media @andiethues on Instagram, or send me an email [email protected], I would love to highlight my readers in next month’s workout calendar!!


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  1. Pingback: Couples Fitness Challenge

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