How To Find Time For Yourself, and Not Feel Guilty!

How to find time for yourself? Well, that’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.

We, as women, are hard-wired to put others’ needs before our own needs. This fact only gets perpetuated as we become mothers, where finding enough time for ourselves seems more like a work of fiction than actual reality. So if you’re like me and struggle to make time for yourself, then you are in the right place!

With so many things on our plates and what seems like a never-ending busy schedule. Finding “free time” may seem like a dream. But with a little bit of planning and better prioritization of our time, we’ll be enjoying a little more me-time before we know it!

Women smiling sitting on the coach enjoying time alone by herself. Giving herself a much needed break from motherhood.
Finding time for yourself needs to become a non-negotiable

Making time for yourself must become a priority in your life. YOU need it for your mental health and your physical health!

There is a reason why they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first on an airplane.

To be the best wife and mother you can be, you have to take care of yourself first. Self-care is not selfish! It will help you to be a better mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, and employee!

Finding time for yourself needs to get booted way up on the top of your to-do list!

Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.

Barbara de Angelis 

Settle down. Like I said previously, putting yourself first is a good thing! By taking care of yourself first, you’re able to be more balanced. Taking time for you helps you to better take care of those who so desperately need you and expect so much from you.

We, as women, are givers. It’s part of our very nature to give, give, give, and typically we don’t ask for much back in return. So taking time to focus on ourselves allows us to reset the scales of our lives and enables us to be in balance yet again.

When I first started setting aside real-time for myself, I felt guilty. I’m a mom. It’s in my DNA to feel guilty.

But I knew that I would either have a nervous breakdown or feel like a wreck all of the time if something didn’t change. I had to set aside time to put myself in timeout so that I could re-balance myself.

So find your jam, whatever it is that makes you feel like YOU. Not Mom, Employee, Boss, or Wife or whatever seems to be taking the most from you. For me, taking time every morning to work out is exactly what I need to find my daily balance. Driving to and from the gym by myself gives me time to think and enjoy quiet solitude. Once I’m at the gym, my earbuds go in, and I work out the frustrations and problems that have been weighing me down. This time by myself brings me peace and energy to face and conquer the day ahead. Sometimes I sleep in and miss the gym, and my day becomes disconnected, and I feel “off.” This seemingly small act has made all the difference in my life!

Some of you might think I’m the mayor of crazy town, to wake up early and go to the gym. And that’s OK! This bit of extra time I take back every morning by waking up before everyone else has made all the difference. I treasure my quiet time in the morning before the rest of my family is awake. This is what works for me, your challenge is to find what works for you!

Take the first step and find whatever it is that makes YOU happy. Find something that gives you a chance to feel refreshed and ready to give back!

Here are some GREAT ideas to help you create time for yourself.

  • Meet close friends for a cup of coffee or lunch
  • Take a break from social media or binge on social media, whatever feels best for you.
  • Set up a daily self-care routine
  • Take your kids to the park and let them play while you relax on the park bench.
  • Focus on getting enough sleep by creating a sleep schedule
  • Take a long relaxing bubble bath
  • Practice mindfulness via meditation or journaling – check in with your emotions.
  • Try new things. Sign up for that pottery or photography class that intrigues you. Many of these types of courses are now online, and you can squeeze them into small pockets of time throughout your day.
  • Catch up on your favorite shows
  • Set up nap time for yourself. Even a 30-minute nap has been shown to help!
  • Schedule personal time every day, and stick to your schedule.
  • Trade babysitting with your best friend. She takes the kids one day so you can have some alone time, and then you handle the next time for her.
  • Play video games
  • Watch your favorite youtube videos
  • Go grocery shopping all by yourself
  • Get caught up on your favorite blogs
  • Take a quick five-minute break and take six deep breaths
  • Seek emotional support when you need it! – Asking for help is not a weakness
  • Hire help
  • Enjoy some screen time

No matter what specific activity you chose for your “me time,” it is not a waste of time! Whether it be taking a little nap, reading a good book, taking a walk alone. Whatever it is, take time to find those moments to be alone with you! Make an effort and find time on a daily basis for self care.

These small breaks in your day will help make all the difference. How do you find time for yourself? You make it! You stop putting yourself last on the list. And you set aside time in your daily schedule to pamper and take care of yourself!

So cherish this little time by yourself just as much as you cherish those moments when the kids are behaving and are being lovable and kind to each other. Because having more time by yourself is exactly what the doctor ordered 😉

Much Love,

Andie's signature


  1. Stephanie Portman says:

    I agree with everything you said in this post! I recently started getting up early in the morning and going to the gym and it has made me a better mommy! Just having that time in the morning to work out any stress & frustration has made a huge difference in my day to day life! I didn’t know about ME day, I may have to plan something fun! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yay Stephanie!! I Love to see I’m not the only one who likes to wake up and get me sweat on 😉 I hope you spoil yourself on MEday!!!

  2. I think me time is essential to be a good mom, but it is hard to get it in sometimes so scheduling it is a must at our house.

  3. Stephanie I can’t tell you how true this is!!! It is so refreshing to take even a few minutes everyday and do something for just me!! I feel like I’m a better mom when I do!!

    1. So True Chelsea!! I am definitely a new woman after some ME time! 🙂

  4. Nikki @ MBAsahm says:

    It’s sooooo true that we naturally feel guilty about taking me time! So often I will get my son down for his nap (finally) and I feel like I should be doing all these things since I finally don’t need to be watching him…but honestly all I want to do is relax for a minute! We never get a break, so you really need to make yourself do it. And I totally agree with you…nothing is better than the gym! <3

    1. Nikki! It can be so hard sometimes to force ourselves to relax!! But so worth it! 🙂

  5. Love this!! We all need time for ourselves! It makes us, at least for me, recharged & ready to be a better mom, wife, etc.

  6. 5 stars
    Oh wow! This is really helpful! Thank you so much!

  7. I find that I am a better mom and wife when I take some time for myself. Going to the gym is definitely not my happy place (haha). I like to curl up with a good book, or go to lunch and visit with friends. Totally revives me!

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