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5 Self Help Books That Will Rock Your World

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Words are so powerful, and when the right person puts the right words to paper magic can happen. 

Books can entertain and transport you to amazing places and show you worlds you never knew existed. I remember the first time I picked up a thick book and decided that I was ready to really read for fun, not because my parents or teachers had told me to. I was hooked from that point on. I remember staying up late into the night because I just could not put a book down,  the next day I would be tired at school, but man every page held me captive to the unraveling story. 

Part of my self-care plan for this year is to read more. As a grown-up person it is so easy to get too busy to enjoy the simple pleasure of reading, I know I almost feel guilty when I sit down and read, knowing I have a laundry list of “to dos” with my name on it. 

BUT reading is worth the investment of time. Especially if you are reading self help books that help you to transform who you are as a person and help guide you to become the person you want so desperately to become. 

We all have a yearning and calling inside each of us, a yearning to be more and do more! 

Books can awaken that inside of us and help propel us in the right direction. 

I have been on a journey myself over the past year – in sports terms, I’ll call it a “rebuilding” year. I was knocked down and pushed and pulled and forced to really think about where I was and what I wanted most out of my life. These books I am going to share with you were my anchors. They helped me to make some HUGE leaps in the right direction and I am so pleased and happy with who I am becoming and the amazing direction my life has taken. YES, you can change your life and these books can help steer you in the right direction.


 1. You are a Badass – Jen Sincero: This was the first book of its kind that I had ever read. Before embarking on this read I had no idea what manifesting was or why that was actually something I should be doing. If you are also a newbie and incredibly skeptic as I was, This is the book for you! It will teach you how your thoughts good and bad are creating the world you are currently familiar with and how by changing your thoughts and giving them the freedom to expand you can truly create the world you want for yourself. What’s great is Jen is super real and not over the top like some “spiritual gurus” who I had written off as straight up crazy town. Word of warning Jen is hilarious and you will be laughing out loud, but she also has the mouth of a sailor so there is some language. { I mean the title is a bit of a hint to that 😉  }

2. The Power of Intention – Dr. Wayne Dyer: If you are wanting to become more peaceful and zen, this is the book for you. It will help you understand more fully how the power intention, the Universe, and God are always working for you and how becoming inline and in tune can help you to feel more purposeful and invite and inner peace into your life. When  I am feeling anxious or frazzled I always reach for or listen to this one on Audiobooks. It immediately helps remind me to calm myself and refocus on what is truly important! 

3. The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins – If you need a good kick in the pants or help to find some motivation. This is the READ for you! Mel shares her story of getting stuck in a rut of not getting out of bed to face her problems. Inspiration hit when watching a NASA launch sequence that forever changed her life. And you can too 5 seconds at a time! 

4. The Miracle Morning- Hal ElrodThis book is to blame for my habit of getting up at 4:30 am, and ultimately what caused me to really think about how I started my days. By waking up and OWNING your mornings you can completely redirect the way your days are run. You don’t have to wake up at 4:30 am to accomplish a rock star morning, that just so happens to be the time that works best for me. So if you want to create a very powerful morning routine this is the book for you. 

5.  Remembering Wholeness- Carol Tuttle – Pretty Please do not judge a book by the cover on this one. It is seriously dated and looks cheesy. But this book packs a powerful punch. If you are Christian like myself you might find yourself a little stuck in between two worlds. The world of spirituality is amazing and offers so much to guide us on our path but at times it seems to contradict that which I was taught growing up in a Christian home. But all that I was reading felt right and true within me, so I felt a little lost for a bit. This book bridges the two worlds BEAUTIFULLY and really spoke to what I was feeling that they do go together and when combined miracles and true change can and will happen. 

So there you have it, dear friends, my ultimate list of books that have shaped and completely changed my life. I hope you dive right into these books and they make the difference in your life that they have for me. I want you all to REALLY embrace and love every minute of your life. Happiness and finding joy in it all is an inside job! 

These books really helped to hold up a mirror to my life and find inside myself everything I needed to truly be happy and have complete peace and light in my life!! 

Here are some more of my favorite tips for meditation and mindfulness! 




  1. I also recommend “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis!

    1. I’ll have to check that one out!

  2. I highly recommend Cultivate by Lara Casey as well as The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark comer.

    1. I’ll have to check those out! – Thank you!

  3. Dawn Burns says:

    I just finished reading “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. Now I’m following his REALLY good advice. Highly recommend.

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