How To Get Really Clear On What You Want In Life!
What do you want in your life? Have you ever sat down and focused on what you want out of life? This is one of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves.
For most of my life, I merely went along, going with the flow and never really understanding that I had the power to create the life I wanted. We, as humans, have the power to create and shape the kind of life we desire.
Think about it this way. Most of us have an obvious idea of precisely what we do NOT want. We choose to focus on the things that keep us up at night and keep us in a state of panic. I lived in a constant state of worry and anxiety for most of my life. My mind was in a continuous loop of “worst-case scenarios,” and guess how my life looked? If you’re thinking of a shit show, you’d be right. Our family never seemed to get ahead, and we were constantly in a state of struggle financially. It stayed that way until I took an important step and learned how the law of attraction works. I learned that my thoughts created my beliefs, and my beliefs created the reality I had found myself in. My thoughts had fed the belief that financial struggle and scarcity were just part of life.
The good news is that if you are a worrier like me. Then you already have a fantastic imagination, and you are poised to be one fantastic manifestor! You can take that same crazy focus and direct it toward creating and improving and recreating all aspects of your life.
In today’s article, we are going to dive deep as I guide you through the process of how to get clear on what you want!

You cannot manifest your desires if you don’t know what they are. Today, we will work on getting greater clarity as we tap into your deepest desires in several areas of your life. This is where it gets FUN! Yes, dear one, you can have whatever makes your heart and soul sing!
First thing, and a VERY important note: YOU are WORTHY of anything your heart desires. Your true desires were put into your heart for a reason. I firmly believe we were all created to thrive and live lives filled with joy, peace, love, and, yes, abundance! You are God’s child, and of course, he wants you to live a life that honors you! But you need to wake up and remember as his child. You, too, are a powerful creator. So don’t be shy, step into your power and remember this gift of creation was given to you by a loving creator who thinks the world of you!!! And the best way to honor your creator is to become the best version of YOU!
It’s imperative to cut the nonsense and start asking for what you truly deserve so the universe can reward you generously. The Universe responds best to clear intention. So the more vivid detail and positive emotions you include, the better. A lack of clarity around what you want has been keeping you stuck and unable to move forward, SO get clear, and the action plan needed for you to accomplish all the things you desire will magically start to fall into place!
Here’s where the work comes in, take out a piece of paper and pen, go to a quiet place, and sit in quiet so you can spend the time to create a clear vision of what you want!
- Intimate Relationships– It doesn’t matter if you’re single, dating, has a boyfriend or girlfriend, or are in a long-term committed marriage, get clear on this area of your life and what your idea of a perfect relationship looks like! Maybe you’ve decided that you love being single and want to keep it that way for the rest of your life. That’s great as long as you are aware of that and clear on that part of your life. Maybe you are in an unhealthy and unfulfilling relationship. Take time and write out what an ideal relationship looks like to you. This can be the first step in rebuilding and reigniting a marriage that has got a little stagnant. Or realizing it is time to move on and find a relationship that truly honors you. I always advocate starting fresh within an existing relationship if you still feel the relationship is serving you.
- Finances– What do you want your yearly or monthly income to be? What amount of money do you need to enhance the quality of your life? I encourage people to ask for an amount that sounds exciting but possible. For example, if your current income is $50,000 a year and you asked for 1 million dollars a year, your subconscious mind immediately says, “oh yeah, right!” The gap is just too big. I would recommend you ask for $100,000 a year. Then once your income reaches $100,000 then, ask for $200,000 or $500,000, etc. Also, always add “or more” to the end of your statement of what you want to make. I also recommend doing a little research on this one. Write out a proposed “budget” covering all your expenses plus all the little things and all the little luxuries you desire. How much money do you need to make all your dreams a reality? Getting clear on your numbers helps immensely. If you do your homework and realize you can live lavishly on $8,000 a month, you now have a very clear idea of your needs. And then, you can begin to take inspired action and put a clear course of action into place to help you get there!
- Life purpose/Career– What do you want out of your life in this area? Do you want to help people? Do you want to change the world? Maybe you want to start a nonprofit or give back to your favorite charity. Or perhaps you want to live your passion every day and get generously rewarded for it. Or maybe you want a new job or a dream job working for a company you love. Perhaps it is getting really clear on what you want your career path to look like within your professional life. Maybe you want to start a new venture and become your own boss. No matter what your career or life purpose looks like for you, get clear on the specifics; the Universe loves it when you get clear and all fired up about something you care deeply about!!
- Family– What kind of family dynamic do you want? What activities do you want to do with your kids, siblings, etc.? Do you want to be a good parent? Get clear on this vision and start living it now. Our children grow up so fast. It feels like most days that we don’t have enough time. But getting clear on how want to spend your precious time with your family will help you to savor and make the most of this magical time. Even if your kiddos are grown and have left home, you can focus on how you want your relationship to be with your grown children.
- Health- What does it mean for you to be healthy? How do you want to look and feel? What size or weight do you want to be, or maybe you want more energy? Do you want to be confident with radiant skin, hair, teeth, and nails, etc.? YES, you can use the law of attraction to create a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself!
- Social- What does it mean for you to have a great social life? Maybe you want a handful of trusted, loyal friends. Perhaps you want a house full of fun, loud, and outgoing friends. Do you want to attend exciting events or go on trips with a family that you vibe with? What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with?
- Self Care- What would you like to do to honor yourself? Maybe this is about you getting a monthly massage, making time to work out, reading a book, or spending time with friends that feed your soul. Write out what you want your life to look like daily, carving out quality time for you.
- Material- What does your dream home look like? What kind of expensive car do you want to drive? Think about the material world and all the amazing things you’d like to manifest in your life, such as a vacation home, dream trip, wardrobe, pool, hot tub, etc.
Now that you are CLEAR about what you want in your life start writing out your new story of what this new life of yours looks like. Write it out in vivid detail, dripping with emotion and passion. Write out this new life as if it already exists. READ this new version of your life every morning when you wake up and every night before you fall asleep. If negative thoughts and doubts flood your mind, take out your dream life and read it, spending time to envision once again what this new life looks like!
As you have done the work to get clear on what you want, now is the time to set clear goals and take action on going after the things you want. The biggest mistake most people make when accessing the law of attraction is believing that since they have set the intention and asked, they just need to sit back and wait for their millions to show up. They are missing a HUGE component, taking inspired action! Yes, dream, and make the vision boards, but when you are quiet, you will receive guided actions you should take, listen and follow any guidance your receive.
For example, I knew I wanted to write a book. I had it on my vision board and dreamed of the day I would hold a book in my hands with my name on the cover. One day I received an email from a publisher with a vague request for more information on my blog. Most of the time, I would have just blown it off as “junk mail,” but something within me called me to respond, and within a few days, I received an email with a book proposal deal. I was floored. I would become a published author just like I had always dreamed I would be. This SHIT works.

But you do need to do your part and get clear on what your heart desires, so you can partner with Source, God, Univeral Intelligence, Spirit, or whatever feels right to your soul.
Dream big dear one; You’ve got this!

This was such an interesting read and very helpful! I’m going to share this with a few friends and my daughter. Such a great read. Thanks!
I love these actionable steps in this post. It helps me so much to have someone layout some steps to follow!
It was a fabulous read. Thank you for your tips and suggestions, they are so helpful.
Loved all of these ideas! Definitely helps me see things more clearly. Thanks for all the wonderful tips!
This was a great read full of some great advice and tips!
this is a great post although I had such a hard time trying to process all these difficult topics.